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In accordance with the amended regulation in effect since 10 July 2006, it is no longer mandatory to declare to the CNIL a non-commercial website and/or a website not mining data at risk.

Nevertheless, the Osmothèque association agrees to respect the private life of its prospective customers, customers, newsletter subscribers, members and any other contact of whatever nature, and is in compliance in every point with the legislation on private data protection and civil liberties (Act. No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978). No information collected by Osmothèque shall be disclosed to third parties. In application of Article 34 of the Act on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties of 1 August 2000, any person whomsoever whose personal information has been collected has the right to rectify and lodge an objection to the personal information concerning him or her either online or through the contact form.

Site owner

36 rue du Parc de Clagny

+ 33 1 39 55 46 99
SIRET : 482 349 438 00010

Director of the publication

Madame Patricia de Nicolaï

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2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix

Site made by

The Twelve & Lanfoster